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Celebration of “Iftar Party” in Holy Month of Ramadan with Indian Ambassador and other dignitaries from Kuwait and various countries by Federation of Indian Muslim Associations, Kuwait.

Mr. Sayed Mohammed Ali Shihab Thangal, President of Indian Union Muslim League and HE Mr. Prabhu Dayal, Ambassador of India to Kuwait during the FIMA Iftar Party.

Kuwait Red Crescent
FIMA Volunteer with Red Crescent Officials (Registered with RED WITH RED CRESCENT SOCIETY)
Kargil Fund
FIMA Presents Cheque for KARGIL FUND
Faith by Choice
“FAITH BY CHOICE” by Adv. Mayankutty Mather conducted by Federation of Indian Muslim Associations, Kuwait.
Dilip Kumar
DILIP KUMAR (YOUSEF KHAN) Presenting Momento to outgoing FIMA President Mr. SHAIZAD CHATRIVALA
FIMA Organized Welcome Reception for HE Mr. Prabhu Dayal, Ambassador of INDIA (KUWAIT)

E T Mohammed Basheer Honorable Minister of Educational Kerala Addressing the FIMA Function.
Mr. C M IBRAHIM – Former Minister of Civil Aviation Addressing Golden Jubilee Celebration of India’s Independence Organized by FIMA.

FIMA CC Members and Leaders with Mr. Saleem Shervani Former Minister of State for External Affairs.
FIMA Delegation Presents Memorandum to Mrs. Sonia Gandhi.