Fri 14 March 2025

Mr. Kareem Irfan

Home - Mr. Kareem Irfan

Mr. Kareem Irfan is the President of Federation of Indian Muslim Associations, Kuwait for the term 2025-26. 


Kareem Irfan is an Oil-field Consultant, Real-estate entrepreneur, Industrial Material Trader, Educationist and Social Reformer.  He is a Professional Oil-Field Consultant, Trader, holding qualifications, M.Sc. (Master’s Degree in Chemistry) from Aligarh Muslim University, B.Sc. from Osmania University, Hyderabad, Certifications in Technical & Engineering Services and Business Administration from US Company.

An effective communicator with excellent planning, organizational, and negotiation strengths as well as the ability to lead, reach consensus, establish mega projects goals, and attain results.

He has been into the Oil-Field industry, Trading and Real Estate business for the last 40 years. He is specialized in Oil-field specialized technical services Consultancy, International Trading, Real Estate and professional digital solution Services.

He has served in various companies as Owner, Partner and Manager, in Kuwait, USA and India. Few of them are listed below:

  • Chairman of Mehwa Group – India
  • Director, Cyber Matrix India P Ltd, – India
  • Managing Director, Matrix General Trdg & Cont. Co.- Kuwait
  • General Manager, 3B General Trdg & Cont. Co. – Kuwait
  • Technical Director, Daar Al-Saad- Kuwait
  • Director of CSA academy – India
  • CEO of Mehwa Inc, Tx, USA


He has a strong social service inclination and has been serving the Society with an untiring spirit and founded IQRA (Foundation for the guidance in the field of education and Employment) and is serving as Founder of IQRA Society for Career Guidance for the last 25 years. He has dedicated himself for the development and betterment of this service-oriented society so that the coming generations will glean the maximum benefits in terms of educational and employment opportunities.

He works round-the-clock with determination, dedication, and discipline. He takes up all assignments with great enthusiasm and shoulders the responsibility for the outcome of all decisions. He possesses the ability to inspire others to exceed their capabilities as well. He is respected for his honesty, transparency, wide networking and public contact, as also for his remarkable competence.

He has established & developed MODE (Minority Organization for Development and Empowerment) to utilize the Govt. minority funds and promote Educational institutions across the country. MODE and its team played a major and important role in establishing Telangana State Minorities Schools (TAMRIES). Today about 130,000 minority residential students are enjoying the free quality of education from TAMRIES.

He has taken initiatives to spread activities of Human Welfare, struggling families and needy people by way of joining prominent voluntary organizations in distribution of funds, food zakat/ Hadhiya/ Qurbani and providing educational aid to the deserving and under-privileged.

He served FIMA (Federation of Indian Muslim Associations, a federation with twenty Indian members association and about 45,000 members in Kuwait) as President for 3 terms (6 Years). Under the banner of FIMA, he carried out several activities and addressed several challenges pertaining to NRI’s and minorities. He initiated FIMA Iftar, the iconic program of FIMA to promote communal harmony among Indians and better understanding of Islam. He initiated the concept of Mega event at FIMA platform during his presidency and invited the unbiased Indian Generalist and media personnel, honored with Gold Medal and recognized their media role in India. N. Ram (The Hindu News), Harsh Mander, Mahesh Bhut, Justice Fatima Bibi, Vinod Dua, Teesta Stalwart and many others were few of them. He hosted, Ajmal Uddin (MP), Banathwala, Mahesh Bhut, Basheeruddin Babu Khan (MLA & Minister of Telangana), Ghayasudding Babu Khan, Vinod Dua, Yawar Baig, Dr. Faqaruddin, Khaleequr Rahman, B. Shfiullah (IFS) and many other dignitaries at his residence. Conducted FIMA programs in the honor of E. Ahmed, Shahab Thangal and BanatWala.

He has orchestrated and presented many technical papers about the oilfield industry in Kuwait, developed new technologies in specialized services and contributed to the improvement of the relevant technical services in Kuwait.

He organized the translation of popular Urdu Hadees, Seeratul Nabi, Islamic Fiqa and Islamic history books into Telugu language. Lulu Wo Marjaan and Assan Fiq were among some popular translated Telugu books besides many other Islamic topics.  

He is the member of many National and International organizations that includes:

  • Founder of Society of IQRA Career Guidance Center, India, (approximately 500,000 students were guided and benefited at free of cost). 20,000 got employment through IQRA Job mela and employment guidance.
  • FIMA Founder Member, FIMA Patron and elected for the fourth term as President of FIMA (Federation of Indian Muslim Association, Kuwait).
  • Founder Member of HMWA (Hyderabad Muslim Welfare Association, Kuwait).
  • Founder of MODE (Minority Organization for the Development and Empowerment- India) which played an important role in establishing TAMRIES (Minorities residential schools).
  • Advisor to Telangana Gulf NRIs’ Federation- Jeddah, Saudi.
  • President of Quill Foundation – Kuwait
  • Director of CSA Academy – India.