Dr Amir Ahmed
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Dr. Amir Ahmed FIMA Patrons
- Dr. Amir Ahmed Kanjarandy, born and brought up in Mumbai. Graduated in Medicine. Post graduate degrees in Pediatrics, Occupational Medicine and diabetology. My spouse, Dr. Thasneem is consultant at the Kuwait Cancer Center. My elder daughter, Dr. Nehla isa dermatologist, my second daughter Dr. Manaal is a dentist and my youngest daughter, Labiba is in the field of Finance. My elder 2 son in laws are doctors.
- I have been in the forefront organizing and arranging financial contributions during times of natural calamities like tsunami, cyclones and floods affecting our beloved nation.
- I have organized and delivered lectures at multiple health awareness campaign benefiting a large number of Indians.
- I was actively involved in getting the participation of reputed hospitals and other health care facilities to participate in the medical tourism event organized by the Embassy of India.
- I used my personal close relationship with officials in the health sector and prominent Kuwaiti citizens to attend this event.
- I have participated and organized health awareness campaigns against ‘Breast Cancer’.
- My leadership skills during the COVID pandemic – As the President of Indian Doctors Form, I organized two important symposiums under the patronage of the Embassy of India through various social media platforms. These symposiums helped allay the fear and misconceptions harbored by our fellow nationals residing in Kuwait.
- I also helped organize video recordings in 17 different Indian regional languages promoting and encouraging the Indians residing in Kuwait to register and vaccinate against COVID.
- The Asst. Undersecretary at the Ministry of Health released a very informative and educative health guide on COVID, organized under my leadership.
- I was one of the doctors providing free tele consultation services during the COVID pandemic to scores of Indian nationals in Kuwait.
- I was able to provide information and update condition of numerous COVID patients admitted in the different hospitals in Kuwait to the embassy officials and relatives of the patients.
- I have delivered numerous talks on COVID through webinars organized by different associations in Kuwait and answered the many queries raised by the public.
- During Vande Bharat mission, I used to be at Kuwait airport, extending all help to embassy officials in their efforts to help the sick people to travel to India by assessing their condition and fitness to travel.
- I have strongly advocated and made efforts to promote Indian manufactured COVID vaccines and other Indian pharmaceutical products through my talk and interactions with the local government officials.
- I have very cordial and good relations with officials at the Ministry of Health and other bodies. During my interactions, I have made serious efforts to highlight and promote the various initiatives undertaken by GOI in the fight against COVID and the help extended to various countries on this front.
- I have organized and provided medical services to the inmates residing in the shelter house managed by the Embassy of India.
- I have led the efforts by the Indian community residing in Kuwait and extended financial assistance to hundreds of families affected by the recent floods in India.
1994 – Have been President of Kuwait Friday Forum. Involved as a team in organizing beneficial community programs – socio cultural and educational. FF in coordination with IPC conducted computer courses, medical camps and extended financial help to hundreds of students studying in various Indian schools in Kuwait. KFF played a pivotal role in establishing CIGI & SAFI.
1996 – Patron member of Muslim Education Society (MES) offering valuable and beneficial community socio cultural and educational programs to the community.
1997 – Secretary of United Malaya lee Organization (UMO) in organizing various cultural events including a film fest as part of the golden jubilee celebrations of our great nation.
1998– Secretary of Raj iv Gandhi Award of Excellence event. High profile visit of Sonia Gandhi (guest of Amir of Kuwait)
2002– Secretary General of FIMA, organized grand iftar and held highly effective coordination committee meetings among member association. Helped rehabilitation of Muslims affected by Gujrat riots and addressed a memorandum on behalf of FIMA to Honorable President of India.
2003– During Gulf War 2, was member of the medical committee and warden committee under Embassy of India. Received official intimation from GOI, to be part of the 8 member special committee formed to oversee evacuation of Indians from Kuwait if the need arose.
2004– Founder General Secretary of Indian Doctors Forum (IDF}, then Vice-President & 2 term President of IDF. During this period organized numerous medical camps, school health programs, various health awareness programs, promote interaction between India and Kuwait in the field of Medicine.
2020– member of the prestigious Indian Community Support Group (ICSG). Extended food aid, medical oxygen supply and financial assistance during COVID.
I am also member of 3 prestigious trusts running more than 25 institutions catering to more than 25 thousand students in Kera la. I am also advisory board member of Media One TV channel.