Fri 14 March 2025

Dr Mohammad Masood Athar

Home - Dr. Mohammad Masood Athar

Dr. Mohammad Masood Athar MD, MPH. FIMA Patrons

I was born in Lucknow, Utter Pradesh in an educated family and raised in Aligarh. Had initial schooling at S.T. High School, Aligarh Muslim University and went to J. N. Medical College, AMU and did MBBS and MD in Internal Medicine.

In 1979 got an assignment at Baghdad Institute of Medical Sciences and worked till 1981. In 1981 Moved to Kuwait and has been working as Physician at Jahra Hospital with the Ministry of Health, Kuwait till 1996. I have been always very much interested in the social work and the betterment of the Muslim Community. With the kind and generous support of dedicated friends established Indian Muslim Welfare Association (IMWA) and Federation of Indian Muslim Associations (FIMA) in Kuwait and organized Health Seminar at Indian Embassy, Kuwait.

In 1997, moved to the US and my quest of preventive medicine lead me to pursue my career in Public Health and did master’s in public health from Emory University, Atlanta, GA, majoring in Health Education and Preventive Medicine. While working on a research project in Augusta did Postgraduate Course in Health Care Evaluation. Has been inducted as fellow of Mid America Public Health Leadership Institute, University of Chicago, Chicago. Working as Regional Public Health Emergency Response Coordinator at Illinois Department of Public Health.

My real passion in public health is to raise the health awareness in the community, Health Awareness Matters, Saves Lives. By raising the health awareness, the people acquire the knowledge, skills, and information to make health choices, enabling them to have better control over their own health and wellbeing and adopting healthier lifestyle. In this endeavor I have developed a website for the health promotion and prevention of diseases. The website is still under construction, used by the young students to conduct their Public Health Survey in the community. Further, in accordance with the national awareness months, I sent health information slides in the newsletters of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) especially of Faith-Based Organizations (FBOs) and put on various WhatsApp groups and Facebook. I strongly believe that health messages can be transmitted to individuals and communities at places of worship, as faith connects many individuals, families, and communities together. Furthermore, places of worship bring people from diverse backgrounds together regularly and therefore is an ideal place to facilitate public engagement and disseminate health promotion-related messages. I have been working with the local Mosque and other FBOs to raise the health awareness and organize Health Fair for the community, also assisted to develop emergency preparedness plan. During COVID-19 pandemic communicated with the FBOs and provided guidance to them.

I live in Rockford, Illinois with my wife, who is a psychiatrist, having her practice. I have a daughter works as senior scientist with CDC, Atlanta and have two wonderful grandkids. My hobbies are painting, calligraphy, Indian classic music and travelling.


2010: Illinois Department of Public Health-To promote involvement of Faith-Based Communities in the Achievement of Public Health Goals in Illinois

March 2012: University of Chicago MidAmerica Center for Public Health Practice, recognized the leadership, dedication, and exemplary services to the Marion region to promote public health

April 2019: Illinois Department of Public Health recognized the contributions to the health of Illinois by engaging the FBOs and working with the community.